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A powerfully different and inspiring keynote speaker that elevates performance levels right now!

What are you doing that you previously thought was impossible? It happens more often than we remember. Evidently, your thoughts were ‘It may be difficult, but it is possible.’ You made it happen! You had the will to try, the faith to believe it was possible, and you did it. You are a CAN DO.

Your thoughts lead your words. Your words lead your actions. Your brain sets into action what you say. It doesn’t distinguish between negative and positive. It acts on your words. Treat your brain as the best ever eavesdropper and substitute negative thoughts and words with positive.

I promised to tell you how and why Can Do and Think it! Work it! Do it! came to life. Here we go…

Rhonda, my daughter, and I were living in Nashville. In the middle of her pursuing a recording career and our entertaining at corporate events, a stalker appeared in our lives. He positioned himself across the street from our home and proceeded with dangerous threats and actions. His arrests and bail-outs were continuous.

Desperate to end the stalking, I called The Victims’ Center in Virginia. The Head of the agency said, “I’m shocked that you are still alive. Move! Now!” We fled to the city with the strongest stalking laws, Las Vegas. Physically and financially we had survived, but it would take time to heal emotionally.

If we had read The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker earlier, we could have prevented the stalker. The author teaches how to tell the difference between true fear and unwarranted fear and how to spot even subtle signs of danger before it’s too late.

Shortly after arriving in Las Vegas, we saw a need for children to know that ordinary people can be talented in many disciplines. Using the same talent as in our corporate show, we incorporated superhero verbiage and wardrobe with lots of action and fun into a show for children. Emphasizing that there is no ‘Can’t’ in the land of WOW! we presented hundreds of shows at libraries and park districts as The Amazing CanDoos.

While creating the show, Rhonda asked me what our motto should be, how children can make their dreams come true. My instant response was, “Think it! Work it! Do it!” which became our reoccurring theme. Kids loved to chant Think it! Work it! Do it! with Mucho as she danced around an exasperated Ruby Red, who shook her head and muttered, “Mothers.”

Nothing is more therapeutic than laughter. Hearing a child’s belly-laugh is like music from heaven. Children love having fun! They became exuberant fans of Ruby Red and Mucho, the fun and talented mother-daughter CanDoos.

Have you noticed how fulfilling a need for others diminishes your needs? A situation may be difficult and overwhelming but persevere. Perhaps it is the bumpy detour leading to rewards greater than you can imagine. Persistently move forward and upward!

“There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

 As a Can Do:

  • we don’t stand still.
  • we keep our thoughts and words positive.
  • we Think what we want and aim high.
  • we Work it and Do it.
  • we are never too young or too old to turn our desires and dreams into reality.

Kindest regards,