Action Speaker
Powerful – Engaging – Fun!
Joyce blends physical and verbal communication making valuable points memorable.

Showing and Telling Valuable Life Lessons
Basics to Creation
In all endeavors, mastering the basics provides the foundation and building blocks to create and innovate.
- Immediately sense Joyce is authentic, speaks from her heart and is passionate in helping them find and develop the best within themselves.
- Be totally engaged and invigorated with their new-found action plan!
With decades of professional experience and varied communication skills, Joyce has the ‘know-how done with ease and excellence’ that audiences and event planners love!
Joyce’s Keynote
“Think It, Work It, Do It!”
The Universal Action Plan and mantra used by private individuals to business tycoons for elevating performance levels and overall success.
- Keep motivated and energized?
- Kick-start extraordinary confidence?
- Learn the life lessons experienced and utilized by Joyce on her journey to Best In The World?
Joyce’s companion book Think it! Work it, Do It! Winning in Life and Business expands and drives home the strategies and principles presented in the keynote.
Additional topics:
Living Young With Clarity, Commitment, and Courage
Lessons learned and shared by a youthful energetic 80+-year-old. Inspiring and Transforming!
Unique and Successful in a Copycat World
How to develop the confidence and courage needed to Grow and Do YOUR God-given talents.
Or A Presentation customized to fit:
- Event Theme
- Event Objectives
- Event Mission
After collaborating with you, she will send a presentation framework for approval. Experience the integrity and ease of working with Joyce.
You’ll love your audience’s enthusiastic approval! And… taking your bows!
Watch Joyce In Action at NSA
Belief and Desire Release Ability
More Examples of Joyce Rice in Action
Life-Changing Event
How to Control Your Thoughts and Feelings
Power of Preparation
Thank you for your interest in hiring Joyce Rice for your next event.
Here are the documents related to working with Joyce. Review, then use the links below to download the original documents. Please contact Joyce by phone at 702-735-8868 or email at for more information.
“Joyce, it was so rewarding to hear someone who practices the principles they advocate. Your keynote was a tremendous success!!”